stuck for 3 guys 16a hail,interjection addressed to more than one person s-l-e-e 27a driver or conductor of public service vehicles b-s-a- 29a instrument used by surgeons for scraping bones g-s-t-...
Does any-one know the history of this passenger ship, originally built for the French-South American Atlantic trade and used by the US Navy during WW1 please?
Many thanks.
Daft clot (me) has mislaid the title of the film where a man loses his family in a car accident, then buys some old photos and spots a "modern" pistol in an older sepia print. A lady from the future...
Hi - hope this is the right place to put this! We're currently selling some land with planning permission and have accepted an offer from a friend of the family who we know and trust. He is a cash...
We have just got a copy of the Daily Mail 5th June. Unless my knowledge+Google are wrong thew Name Game answers are EENPARVO but the only First Lady with a V is Van Buren??? Any answer please? Also...
Living abroad we don't get regular D/Ts so have just seen this. 17D (Bit of France - area by point it ends in the sea (8) has to be BRITTANY but why please?
11D I'm sure that it's BENEATH - "Be finished on time at lower level" (7) *E*E*T* - but why please? Be+etc = at lower level but how is neath finished on time? Thanks in advance.
Just back home to find this one - I am sure that 9A (End of disease in hospital initially exceptionally clean (8) is SPOTLESS - but why please? I can see the spot-less but not the rest.
Stuck on three - can't believe that I am the only one who cannot solve these! 9a Filled with stereotyped phrases 6-6 11a Scottish law, yielded obedience 10 22d Combining form indicating medical care 7
Stuck with rather a lot this time I'm afraid> 2D Rapidly spreading alga in ponds (11) *L*N**T*E*D 17A Situated on a major route (8) *A*N*I*E 25A Port in Lower Saxony,NW Germany (5) E*D*N 27A Boor...