To help improve my understading of electronics, I bought an oscilloscope on eBay. In playing around with it, I have found that, if I touch the probe onto my skin, a waveform is diplayed that is at 50...
Think about purchasing a house with 0% interest, and no pre-set late fees. You possess the property as long as you pay and you know that 100% of the monthly payments is going towards your loan....
Hello, I used to be tiny for my age and very very skinny (you know the type). Since about a year ago when I turned 16 I've been growing non-stop and generally getting bigger. My family are all really...
No idea where to put this, hope someone can help!! I have a reoccurring (sp?) dream, and i can't find any sites online to decode all of it, any thoughts? The dream is the following: I am...
I've heard that putting polyester inside a bass box increases the loudness of the bass. Is this statement true and if so does it increase the bass by a noticeable amount? Is it worth stuffing an...
i recently felt a strange feeling when swallowing and on investigating my mouth noticed a white substance on the right side glands area beside the 'wee punchbag' looking thing and when iscraped it off...
I am 5 foot 8 and a size 12 in bottoms (sometimes a 10) and a 10 in tops... is that out of porportion.. basically am i to fat for my height? Please, plz, plz somebody answer!
on some of my websites, some the text appears larger and bolder than it is meant to be. I am sure i pressed two keys which turned the text bold, but i am not sure which two. Does anybody have any...
well i was told you can wax ALL area's baisically even around nipples well i was just checking there was no risk of causing problem's e.g helping cancer or skin ok with...