Have found that 2 Questions have same letters but can only find one answer.
4 Water shot a hen(7,6)
46 What eats heron (7,6)
Can anyone help me please....
Link here to the episode on 4od but i cant find the artist, tried shazam and cant find on youtube either. It is on straight after the theme tune finishes....
I am on the final few now !!
Fold 4 sheets, gives 8 leaves (5) thought it might be octet
Debut album - "The Voice " 7,6
Mother's sister also (7) thought it might be Maestro...
Its a long shot but I'm trying to find the name and artist of a dance tune that was released anytime from year 2000 to 2010. The lyrics went like this "let's get down, let's get down, let's get down...
1. Told to murder Mr. Schwarzenegger (9) 2. Avril is here!!! (5) 3. Fashionable? Give it a try (7) 4. Pinnacles of grief, we hear (9,2,6) 5. Jet loops the loop! (9) 6. Spanish cutter? (7) 7. Famed by...
Can anyone explain the protocol that has Blair, Brown and Major laying wreaths straight after Queen and party leaders etc at the Cenotaph this morning. Is it last 3 PMs, last 3 living or what?