Can anyone help with this? I have c-t---l-s Catapults fits but doesn't make sense. Also 3d: Political party starts to live in Kansas under duress (5 letters) I have l---d They intersect so if I get...
23D Shift timetables or Rubbish like these schedules (5)
My last one. I mply do not understand the clues.
I have r?t?s
Answer and explanation will be greatly appreciatred. Many thanks....
any help please ? icons float down the scale 5-3-2 letters retiming devise initially has every musician in one long arpeggio 7 letters love in a car crash-blow it 7 letters the theme is music in some...
Please can anyone give me a hint to no. 46?
Taking in a little science is a friend who had a percussion instrument.
The answer is six letters beginning with P
Can someone tell me who is singing the song on the current BBC ad for finding new music talent. Joe Bugg features but I really want to know what this song is.
Thank you in advance...