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10d: Christopher B?O?K?Y?E, author.
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stuck on 2 9c relationship of eating and being eaten 9 letters P?E???I?N 15d like an uncle 9 letters A?U?C???? thanks...
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Sedimentary rock left after salt water vapourises. (9) E?A?O?S?E. One who is despised or disliked. (7) W?R?I?G Thanks for any help offered.
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14D How Hubert Parry is better known ? (9) ?E?U?A?E? 16D Haphazard , careless ? (8) S?A?D?S?...
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Apologies for repeating questions - hit wrong button. Many thanks for the help on 6d and 26 ac - now getting my mind round them. I know 17d is something simple, but just cannot get it: 17ac Smart,...
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Who is the very irritating, patronising woman who does these? I keep meaning to ask in the store, but can't wait to get out.
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Apologies I'm a 1st timer - Clue: Film starts to bring in old people in carriages. A&Q means answer & question, that's the way round I have it instead of Q&A
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29a fleshy type of fruit without a stone such as banana,punk in, tomato or watermelon
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27 ac. earl allowed people inside yo reveal item on table [7] thanks in advance
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10a emperor of japan 1867=1912 born mutsuhito in 1852
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25a vain; impractical (7) h???i?s thanks
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what's the music on the paralympics ad (the one where you see someone getting blown up, a car crash and a pregnant woman being told bad news) It's not the design for life one. Thanks in advance...
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54A - Full of bravado -(4-2) *u*g-*o
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13d Most of attraction I had found to be sensational (5) L?R?? 21a Money used by head for sweet fried food (8) ??U?T?U? 24a An attractive type of accent (5) ?I?T?...
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for 2 weeks, from Thursday 06/09/2012 until Saturday 22/09/2012, just rec'd email informing me of above....
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what is the track used in the new directline advert aired 1st september 2012
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what is the track called on the new directline advert aired september 1st 2012 in the uk
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I have been with Orange for a few years. My latest contract expired last October but I just let it run. Previously when a contract has expired my monthly payments have gone down dramatically to...
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some help please,the following letters mke the name of sports presenter(BBC) for the Olympics AIRY ADVERBS many thanks...
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8 Across: increasingly exciting preliminaries. 5 & 2 5 Down: Add substance to: 5 & 3 Anyone got them?...

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