Hi There.. Could anyone tell me how long it takes to get from Newark Airport, into Times Square by taxi...? I realise if there's alot of traffic it will be longer, but a rough idea would be great, if...
if i was the prime minister for one day the one law i would introduce compulsory for all would be...........................................
Certain errors in grammar have names (split infinitive) etc.. I remember one having a name whereby you say the same thing twice: such as Male Man. You need not use the Male for you have already...
Hi All this is very urgent has interivews have not yet taken place , I am from UK I work for a City Council , My job was advertise 8 months ago in September 2009 the closing date was October 2009 , in...
where do you all hang out the most and which catorgories do you avoid? Personally I like the religion and spirituality section for the debates, I often have a gander at law and body and soul and often...
help please for
43 down traditional dish 7 letters S - O - I - S
34 down tickled 10 letters - U - L - T E D
I don't think I made a mistake...but then....perhaps I have......
I am after the rate of pay and the night premiums if possible. I've been told a salary and I can't get it to match with my job offer, plus no copy of the collective aggreement has yet to surface
my aunt and uncle are in a bit of a pickle. They use thier sons address, in the uk, which is where they stay the most when over here, for stuff to do with their car. Because on their driving licence,...