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My mattress has a dip in it from my *** sitting on the edge of it and no doubt sleeping on it. Turning it doesn't help. I'm so sick of mattresses I buy lasting 2-3 years tops. What's a really good...
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I've just received one of those holiday offer cards from Mercury Holidays, but on the front, just above my address, someone has written in big letters, P=21. Is this a post office thing or something...
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Talking to my sister last night, and she informs me that her hubby is going to have 2 stents removed and replaced because they have been in 5 years. I had no idea they did such a thing. Is it the case...
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1. It's sunny, and there's oodles more sun heading our way. What a great summer we've had this year, all in all. 2. Our house is going on the market today and it's another positive step in the right...
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For days now every time I look in here I get told about the new policy, every time I accept the condition,s and click accordingly. Cheesed off with it now.
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Redman 41 died at 9pm My wonderful husband left quietly and peacefully. A simple death for a simple decent man...
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Having done some gardening over the weekend I've realised that my top 3 most hated weeds all begin with B- bramble, bindweed and buttercup. What are your 3 worst weeds in the garden?
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He is still in hospital and has been deteriorating over the last few days, the surgeons do not feel he would survive surgery and he has a very severe infection due to a perforated bowel. They are...
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This afternoon I have a really weird job to do. I have to, amongst other things, have Botox in my forehead despite not having any real wrinkles for a corporate shoot for a Beauty Salon. They want...
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Melbourne, Cheshire, and so on and so on, what is it with these women, they all look so grotesque. Just saw a trailer for Mob Wives, much the same. I must be missing the point somewhere. (Is it just...
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Had to take this and other stuff to prep me for an exam. Still dashing for the loo over 48 hours later. How long do the effects of this flipping preparation last please? I need to get out and do...
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murraymints Happy happy birthday dearest friend xxxxx......
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Pixie....there is no such thing as a normal bra....bras are not normal.....they are instruments of Torture....If you wear a bra you just have to put up with...
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If I may start a thread So far we know its a boat neck and long sleeved. Cannot wait to see the rest of it....
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Have you seen this?
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Been prescribed these 4 times daily, but I keep forgetting the lunch and teatime dose. Is it ok to take a couple morning and evening, or MUST they be taken at set times? Thank goodness it's only for...
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I like talking to myself sometimes when I'm alone, do you ? D...
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Every time I hear this gentleman, I look up because I think it'd Ann Heggerty speaking. Their voices/accents/tone are so remarkably alike....
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...or is she? In your circle of friends, is there the same level of animosity displayed by comments posted here? Amongst my mates, she pretty much elicits indifference (as does the wedding...

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