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Mr F became very poorly on Sunday, resulting in admission to hospital. Tests so far are showing he has Hypercalcemia. Not really sure how this happens, they have hinted it may be linked to the lung...
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What are you 'unpopular benign opinions'? I'm not talking about political opinions, but attitudes you have which your friends think are...wrong/weird....
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Just watched a bit of Four in a Bed where the other contestants look everywhere for dust, hairs, lime scale blah blah. I know it's a competition for them but it's got me thinking. If you were to stay...
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...that doesn't need to be done but you do it....just to put off doing a job you don't want to do?..... I should be filling and painting wood after having some work done in the house..... Instead....I...
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or I swear I would burst into tears. To explain.. Latest development in Mr F's condition is attempted nocturnal wandering. (He can't get far because of the loss of his leg and enforced wheelchair use,...
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my daughter was rushed into hospital Saturday night late with a head pain so bad ,they gave her a ct scan that didn't show anything but she has weakness all down her right side they suspect a brain...
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What would you do to people who attack other people with acid? As far as I can make out,this country is too soft on people who carryout this cowardy,despicable act,which not only effects the vitim but...
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I have been searching for the song to burn, but I do not know the title and the singer (& group)of the song. Any likely suggestions? Thank-you....
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I have heard it all! In Corrie earlier, Gemma told Chesney she was 'going to shake her lettuce' in reference to going to the loo. How do you say you're going to the loo?...
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My son is in prison on suicide watch. Don't know what to do. I can't speak to him or even leave him a message. Can't even think straight I'm so upset.
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if you don't know the answer.... What were those little plastic toys called that you put in budgie cages.? They had a ball shaped base, and the top was pointy (like a gnome hat) Long before there were...
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Struggling to keep MrF hydrated at the moment. Hit on the idea yesterday of buying jellies. (His food tastes appear to have gone back to nursery level, eat the best bit on the plate and leave the...
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I just pulled one of the new £5 out of my pocket to pay for something and found it had torn in a jagged line down the middle. I'm not sure how it happened as they're quite hard to actually tear. Has...
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is there a new ab directive that states you should repost your question if it hasn't been answered within two minutes? just wondering ...
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When I met MrF, he had a previous marriage behind him (incl 3 kids) and was living with his mother. Along the line he moved in with me, we married and had 2 children. And eventually bought a house...
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A friend with no computer wants to order a bunch of flowers to be delivered to someone but all I can find is online ordering - can anyone recommend a company that takes telephone orders/payment by...
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"What are your Toff Names?" Take the first name of a grandparent, a street in which you grew up and a headteacher from your school. I give you (because I'm not sure I want them) ... Robert...
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Wanting to buy some of this, I thought it was simple. Found the width I wanted, 25mm, now it's asking me do I want Polarity A or B. I don't have a flipping clue. What does it mean please?...
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ive noticed that sometimes my hands shake a bit, i feel like i have the jitters, but only when im moving them, doing stuff, when i hold them out to check the shake, they are steady as a rock. any...

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