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Mic takes the above 3 times per day. IMO this is not enough. He holds things like the bed rail, or a cup etc and he can't let go. His grip is very tight to the point of bruising me on several...
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tablets do you take daily?
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Will it work
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Drove down to paper shop this morning, usually just park outside, then reverse into side road and back home. But today there was nowhere to park so I drove down the road, turned round and came back,...
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Conchita may be a good singer and a deserved winner but a bearded man dressed up as a woman has ceased to be original or amusing. After dozens of supposedly funny tv adverts the novelty has worn off....
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Or have you some paint drying, or grass growing. It's not the same since Terry left is it?
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I am making parchment fronts for cards. I am doing one for a dear friend, and would like to emboss her name on it in a pretty script. Because you emboss on the back of the parchment, I need to script...
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I am feeling my age, I usually manage to stay alert til 3/4 am. Last few evenings, I need to go to bed nowish. Tata all xx...
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All I wanted was Bread and Milk. I spent £31 and came home with out the bread. I think I must be getting old....
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Mr Blackie seems very resentful that the thrush is popping in. He drives the thrush away at almost every visit. Luckily, thrush won't be bullied, and eventually comes back for his share of the...
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Can the accusations be true? My lads are both concerned....
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My mother!! She has gone from completely bed bound, near death's door with dementia to....completely bed bound, fit as a fiddle with dementia...I think. Today I sat by her bed til she woke....she...
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Just had the most awful exchange of words with my partner's son ( 21 ) who thinks my health should not stop me working and I should therefor get a job and not be in receipt of benefit. Up until 5...
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Anyone watching? I am enjoying it so far....
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You know those little bags that you put in the little recycling, kitchen waste caddy? Why do they feel wet when you pull them off the roll?
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Dear good AB'ers ( Bit of a bizarre question .. ) But , what are some of the 'worse tracks' on Now that's what I call Music up to about 2008 ? please - thanks good AB'ers GL.
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I just went out and bought one. I don't really want to quit smoking; just cut it way down both for health and financial reasons. A carton of cigarettes, the cheaper ones, is now $62 which is about...
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Peter Pedant
Beeb news says that Lord Patten steps down after major heart surgery. Surely we should be sorry that this long serving public servant ( failed MP) who served the country so long ( gave away Hong Kong...
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He looked really ill on six o clock news, what is wrong with him ?
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We're having free-range corn-fed chook, pork & crackling, farmers' market pigs in blankets, stuffing, roasties, parsnips, carrots, asparagus, purple sprouting, broccoli, sprouts, mixed kale, savoy...

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