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BilSuth | 01:37 Sun 11th May 2014 | TV
57 Answers
Conchita may be a good singer and a deserved winner but a bearded man dressed up as a woman has ceased to be original or amusing. After dozens of supposedly funny tv adverts the novelty has worn off. The late Kenny Everett flogged it to death and it is a silly gimmick well past its sell-by date.


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The beard was a touch too much for me, I can accept the rest. If 'he' hankers after being a 'she', then why the beard? The hair, voice and figure were good.
09:27 Sun 11th May 2014
Just watched Eurovision on catch up... 'Christine Bleakley' good voice but needs a shave.
i didn't watch it, but understand she is a he.
What a load of hairy b******s
Rise Like a P***s was done in the best possible taste!
I don't see that just because the "novelty" has worn off, no-one else should do it any more. Up to her to act and dress in the way she chooses. Not necessarily a gimmick. For some people it is a part of who they are, not just something to try and shock people.
Match of the Day tonight-hasn't the Novelty worn off yet ?
Thanks, Brionon.....I'll look in to see what the teams are wearing....and if the ref's had a shave..... ;-)
no self respecting ref would go on the field without a shave, male/female.
Hmmm....You've never seen Matilda, our school team ref, Anne......x
The beard was a touch too much for me, I can accept the rest.
If 'he' hankers after being a 'she', then why the beard?
The hair, voice and figure were good.
I think the simplest way to answer that is that there are probably almost as many ideas on what transgenderism/ transvestism means as there are people who identify that way. Some dress up only in secret; others are more open. Some try to look as feminine as possible; for others it's enough to wear the clothes. Some attempt to "blend in" to the crowd; others are rather less bothered about not being noticed. And all sorts in between.

Conchita Wurst seems to be taking up a sort of "half-way house" approach, it seems. Take away the beard and she'd look fairly convincing. But that's not what she's wanting to do, apparently. Instead, she's gone for a visual fusion between the two sides of his/ her life. Meant to be thought-provoking. Whether it is or not is rather up to you, but in the end, like almost everyone else, she is just trying to be herself.
'Inclusion' means any performer should be accepted as normal (unless, I suspect, they wish to perform in the nude). I once saw a pair of conjoined twins performing on tv. Not my taste. I actually turned off when the bearded lady came on. Got fed up with the flashing lights and whirling camerawork, seems to be the norm for popular music tv these days. Makes you forget the music!
Well we can intellectualise about the beard till Kingdom come but back to basics – I didn't see it and didn't hear it. Is the general opinion that Conchita would have won whatever his/her appearance?
Agree it was more of a novelty act and he/she was remembered more for the beard than the singing the whole show is becoming a farce political voting and the singers were hard to concentrate on because of all the dancing skating and prancing around in the background.
I watched/heard the winner on the news, what a powerful voice, so a well deserved success?
^ Agreed, pure attention seeking as was his green room shows of emotion. What a prat!
Agreed with prudie and caribeing
Nothing new, there was a drag queen in 1998 no beard then though.
What a weird bloke! Looked good, nice dress, brilliant voice, but BEARD? yucky.
For those who may have missed the bearded lady !, including my self.

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