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BilSuth | 01:37 Sun 11th May 2014 | TV
57 Answers
Conchita may be a good singer and a deserved winner but a bearded man dressed up as a woman has ceased to be original or amusing. After dozens of supposedly funny tv adverts the novelty has worn off. The late Kenny Everett flogged it to death and it is a silly gimmick well past its sell-by date.


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The beard was a touch too much for me, I can accept the rest. If 'he' hankers after being a 'she', then why the beard? The hair, voice and figure were good.
09:27 Sun 11th May 2014
Hasn't that always happened, Tony?

How many Austrians have watched British tv adverts or The Kenny Everett Show? Perhaps "a bearded man dressed up as a woman" is still original and amusing over there.

Hasn't that always happened, Tony?

Dunno, but it most certainly does of late, well mainly since the break up of the USSR, more countries to vote for each other now.
England have always voted for Ireland and vice versa.
Yes, political voting.
Agree with BOO and ummmm. UK song was feeble, as usual. And I thought the winning song was nothing special at all and his/her voice was no different to most good pub singers. I love watching Eurovision and having a chance to be a grumpy old woman. Most of the music is dire, but most good songwriters wouldn't touch Eurovision with a bargepole. nice to see you posting :-) x
Thats right, LoftyLottie, it's traditional that Eurovision songs are crap.
Lofty....good to see you back.

Winner?.....................nothing now surprises me.
:o) x for your neighbours is not political.
I did like Malta and Finland though, but they were in a different league and were never going to get anywhere.

Hello old friends x
LOL, righto ummmm.
My personal favorite from a couple of years ago.
Not really "political" voting, just partisanship. If you are going to have televoting it's unavoidable.
With one or two notable exceptions the changes to the voting system have made the voting less biased.
As for the "no one likes us" mantra I don't agree. I think there may though be a certain resentment that the UK qualifies every year automatically perhaps, along with 4 others (one of whom came last with 2 votes!)
And everyone loves Ireland right? And yet they didn't even make the final.

I find Eurovision a lot more entertaining than the other music shows that pollute the airwaves of a weekend and which also involve endless voting :-)
is that you in the middle tony ?
LOL, that dress was itchy.

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