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BilSuth | 01:37 Sun 11th May 2014 | TV
57 Answers
Conchita may be a good singer and a deserved winner but a bearded man dressed up as a woman has ceased to be original or amusing. After dozens of supposedly funny tv adverts the novelty has worn off. The late Kenny Everett flogged it to death and it is a silly gimmick well past its sell-by date.


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The beard was a touch too much for me, I can accept the rest. If 'he' hankers after being a 'she', then why the beard? The hair, voice and figure were good.
09:27 Sun 11th May 2014
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Majority in the pub, and on here, seem to agree it just looks incongruous. Good singer but it's hard to take him seriously when he looks daft.
I thought it was the song that was being voted for, not the artist! It is a 'song contest'.
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Yes, there used to be excitement about which of the (six) catchy tunes would be selected as the UK's entry. Then we moved on to recruiting superstars (Cliff), formulaic songs, and choreography (Motherhood of Bran). Presentation plus good/popular singers became more important.
It's still all good, popular and harmless entertainment - except for watching to see which juries vote for their neighbours as usual, or give "nil points" to their main rivals etc. STomethin
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Sorry, post unfinished when it disappeared...

...Something to please, and annoy, everyone.

for bill suth... its not a gimmick....
-- answer removed --
basically..................'' a beard won Eurovision 2014 ''
Living on an island with rather a lot of these women, bearded or not, the way she acted after winning is so typical of them, it's what they do, I call it being "frilly" and if any of my friends of that ilk act "Frilly" I tell them off. Good song, good voice, well deserved win!!
Disliked the song. I thought the entry itself would have been totally forgotten but for that gimmick.

Iceland were my favourites (guys with multi-coloured suits). Didn't rate ours either, and even if it was a belter we wouldn't have stood a cat in Hells chance anyway.

Still, all good fun, see ya all next year! ;-)
This whole topic is now getting tiresome, can we now move on in the hope that this whole charade will be off our screens for good by next year.
If it's tiresome grumpy, move onto a thread more suitable for you!
Just wanted you all to know what I thought about this nonsense.The BBC spend money on it every year hence the U.K.,France and Germany never have to qualify as they provide the funds to keep this rolling.In the past we have won a few times with quality entrants with good songs,sadly this no longer seems to be the case. If the BBC are going to continue to put forward no hopers then I think the waste of licence payers money should be highlighted when ever possible.
grumpy, it wouldn't matter who we had representing us, we would not win. Political voting would see to that.
GB hasn't put in a worthy entry for years so they wouldn't know if it's political voting or not. Can't claim political voting when they enter completely crap songs...
Which is why I think it is a charade.However,if we had someone who had been seen around Europe not just Milton Keynes or where ever then we would have a more worthwhile entry.
Well said ummmm
LOL, must be my imagination then that the Baltic countries always vote for each other. But there again their songs are great aren't they.
"However,if we had someone who had been seen around Europe not just Milton Keynes or where ever then we would have a more worthwhile entry. "

Like who? Like Englebert Humperdink (sp?) or Bonnie Tyler you mean?
Tony Hawkes you wrote 'round Ireland with a fridge' had a bet that he could get a top 10 hit in Europe. He's not a singer or a song writer but he managed it. Says much for certain countries taste in music....

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