I am looking for some new short stories to teach my High School students. What is the best or most memorable short story you have read? They can be light in nature. If you know the author, that would...
Wishing me a happy birthday today and I just hope that you will all. Do the same again on the 28th of January when its my real birthday. Ha Ha suckers fooled you all. Have a happy christmas and an...
This follows Redheads post below. Okay, as most of you know, I and my family are Jewish, however, we have over a hundred cards, some jokey, some just seasons greetings, and some religious, depicting...
Has anybody remembered that its my birthday today. I dont want to steal the limelight out of you all having a nice christmas but can somebody please wish me a happy birthday.
I hope you are all enjoying a Happy Christmas whilst i am standing on my own with no heating and smashed windows, yet i am trying to be positive coz i am only in the shed getting some bin bags, i will...
Dear Family It's still early enough for me to be able to gather my thoughts before we begin our Christmas Day activities. My daughter has beautifully decorated meal trays with menus and prayer cards...
to all the wonderful friends I have here in A&N--wishing you and all the assorted moggys,doggies,rats,hamsters,snakes,spiders.birdies and other furred,feathered and scaley friends a great day xxxx
whats it like where you are today ? its xmas day so is it quiet? or is it the usual kids in the street with remote control cars and bikes ? i walked to work today at 9.30 past all the bars . most of...
I've suspected for some time now that my Mrs has been having an affair. The usual signs. Phone rings, I answer, someone hangs up. She started going out 'with the girls' a lot recently although when I...