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Will people stop giving bad advice out! Unless they know it works i suggest they keep their cakeholes shut. Real Talk.
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miss skippy
I thought I would tell you that I love looking at this site, although I only seem to use it when I cannot do a crossword. Everyone seems so friendly. I am a southerner by the way and we have lovely...
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Straiiiiiight to your heart killa!
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Anyone had any strange calls today requesting a prosthetic sex aid ? I was just out of the shower this morning when i got such a call. The man had a strange accent , i suspect bulgarian or serbo-croat...
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Right, I'm off for the weekend. Note my enthusiasm! :) Have a good one, you lovely lot. :) x x
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im spartacus
Please sensibly answers only. What does life mean to you. Is it good or is it bad or is it just mediocre to you. Do you make the most of it or do you just waste it. All input welcome please.
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This time next week Hau Kola and I will be out on the town, stuffing our wee faces with curry, having a few jars, and having a laugh. Looking forward to it !
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fave footy team ? whos next in your household for a birthday ? do you like liquorice ? jelly n ice cream or custard ?
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Has redheadisbac been dungeoned again?!?!
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Welcome ladies and gents to this years 2008 AB awards. Please provide your nominations for the following awards: 1.ABer that gives the best advice 2.Funniest ABer 3.ABer that posts the most...
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Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol ? Do you drive a big mofo motor ? Are you skinter cos of the budget ?
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can you guess what i just came acrossss? lmfao juast wet myself forgot how funny he was. must youtube the baldy man lol
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Have you received any news lately thats just made you a little ickle bickle ikle bittle HHAAAPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????? Well ???
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I use 4 tins plum tomatoes, add to chopped onions and garlic cooked in lots of olive oil, add 2 tins of water and then let simmer for about 6 hours to reduce and thicken. I then add chillies if i want...
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do you have favourite pants? how often do you wear them ? do you wear them for more than 1 day at a time? are they smelly?
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I can manage the eat less part of weight loss but, I just don't get the chance to do any more moving! I'm a student and I have to drive to college because it's just too far away from me. Not, I'm...
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Does that include me? TIA
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Tell me an interesting fact about yourself. Something unusual, unique or just interesting, anything! Just something about YOU!
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What talent do you wish you posessed? (keep it clean people) :-) I wish i could play the saxaphone.
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Can I buy your username, seriously ? I know I could set a similar one up, but Potter_Minor is not pukka, and I really envy yours. I am serious, I'll go up to ?100.

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