Saw Victoria Beckham in the paper AGAIN today. Would anyone else like to slap her in the face with a wet haddock or am I the only person in the world who can't stand her????
im going to the clothes show in birmingham tomorrow, and im not sure whether to wear heels. im 5 foot 10", and i have these heels which are easily 4 and a half, 5 inches, im going to bring some flats...
A Gok inspired question as watching How to Look Good Naked. Seems for many people the grass is always greener when it comes to our bodies so thought I'd ask a question out of curiosity.
i got a new computer, and downloaded itunes, i then put on all of my music from my old computer via a portable hard drive, all the songs went on to my itunes, but they all duplicated like 4 times, i...
right, i just watched smallville, my sister forced me. the episode was called Transference (SP) and there was a song in it, and one of the lines was 'takes my breath away' it was a rock song, or that...
When you was little. did you used to get words muddled up so they came out as something else? Junkman gave classic example on the pie & chips thread by cally steak and kidney pies kate and sidney. I...
the two @rseholes who killed that Goth girl should not be put to death. There cannot be any better reason to bring back death penalty. What a silly country we live in, every day people getting killed...
im 13 years old and weigh 11st i am quite solid but i really want 2 lose weight fast ive tried 2 throw up stop eatin and dieting but nothing works please help x
im on a laptop, and its using a router, and getting the internet from our main computer downstairs. now until recently, it has been an unsecured network, so i wasnt too worried, but now they have set...
Was out this afternoon and got caught in a 'shower' of something, it wasnt snow but it wasnt hail stones. Basically it had the lightness of snow but the shape and size of hail stones, it was light and...
i just watched hollyoaks (11/03/08) and i recognise the slow song right at the end, when jean-paul is walking away from whats-his-name (priest guy) and i was wondering if anyone knew the name of it?
my legs are huge i would love help in how to get them thinner quicker with no cost as walkin does not help as much as i thought and excercising is makin them more musley i need a bit of help thanks
Right jason bourne wakes up one day on a boat surrounded by foreigners. lands in a strange country .doesnt know who he is or where hes from. well i am that man i landed in tenerife nearly 2 years ago....