The select button on our Sky remote had not been working correctly for some time. It takes a really hard press for it to work if it even works at all and the back up and pause buttons are not much...
I've got a couple of CDs with old Christmas songs on it by the likes of Crosby and Sinatra among others. However some of the songs sound absolutely abysmal, they almost sound like someone recorded...
Is there a device that can let you convert an analogue signal so that it can be viewed on a digital tv? We have a lead coming from our Sky box to another room and it connects to the tv via the...
Does anyone know how to do a horizontal line in an email? In Hotmail you used to be able to insert one with the Insert button but the option seems to be gone in Outlook.
I have an old pot that I think is made of cast iron or something. I've been told that it cannot be welded. Two of the three small leg supports have come away from it and I would like to do something...
How can I wrap a Christmas cake up safely but also protect the icing, especially a little Christmas tree design that I've made myself on top using some green food coloring?
I'm confused here about how the different music charts work. For example, Berserk by Eminem is at number 2 in the Official Music Chart but it is at number 9 in the Urban Chart. How can this be? Surely...
I'm attempting a Christmas cake and was given sherry to soak the fruit in. I've currently got just over a half cup, (one of those American measuring cup things) soaking in a bowl with around 200g of...
What are the correct rules when it comes to jumping opponents pieces in draught? Can you force someone to make a jump after they have made a different move even though a jump was available? Or can you...
It's a great film, saw it once before but I have it recorded on Sky+ since January so finally watching it again tonight, with said beer(s). What's everyone else up to?
Are there any statistics for the manner in which child abductions were carried out? For example, how many times would have been recorded were a child was abducted from a house or room with other...
I've asked about this before but thought I'd give it another go to see if anyone can help solve what is a very strange issue here. My friend has a laptop that connects to his router but will not...
I was looking to buy a box of Twinkies online but I found that no one on Amazon seems to send to Ireland and on eBay the postage costs are crazy if they even post at all. Is there another website I...
Recently I saw a programme in which someone was singing the song Don't Leave Me This Way in one of the scenes but I can't remember what programme it was. I am pretty sure it was a comedy but I can't...
I have a Samsung YH-J70 MP3 player. However when I turn it on a message comes up saying I need to format the HDD, and then it turns off again. Also, when I connect it to a PC there are no folders or...
Can anyone recommend a good FM transmitter to transfer audio from a phone or mp3 player to play on a car stereo through the radio. I have one but I got it years ago and I find I constantly have to...