What is the correct etiquette in a chess game scenario whereby an opponents king is placed into check or checkmate, without either player noticing (ie perhaps a knight is involved). Then after another...
Apparently there is going to be a partial solar eclipse taking place next Friday morning. What sort of things do you need to view this safely? Do you need to buy special glasses or are there diy items...
The European Central Bank are going to pump €60 billion a month into the economy up to the final amount of €1.1 trillion over the next year and a half. How much of this money actually ends up...
For the past few years a pair of collared doves have been feeding at the rear of our house. However, every now and again, another full size dove appears. When this happens there is always a bit of...
I recently read that sleeping at night without a pillow strengthens your back and neck. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? Also then would it help to start doing it now after years of...
I always wonder why people like the Pope, David Cameron, and other high profile people come out to say they condemn obviously terrible acts like the Charlie Hebdo murders recently. Why bother saying...
Is therea way to see on eBay what sort of prices that an item you have is selling for? I know if you type in an item it shows what price people are asking but can you check the prices that they are...
I think it is safe to say that the people behind the terrorist attack in France last week may have had a slight backfire to their plans. 5,000,000 copies printed this week and likely to sell out, as...
Was the success of the attack on the Paris magazine (from a terrorist perspective), mainly down to luck? Apparently they only gained entry to the building because a woman with her child was there and...
Are people who depict Mohamed, which is frowned upon by Muslims, committing an act of blasphemy? If so, is this punishable by law, if blasphemy is illegal in the state in which the offending image is...
Reports state that there were 3 shooters during the terror attack in Paris today. However in the video I saw there only appear to be 2 shooters. That is the video were they shoot the police officer....
I took my phone sd card out and put it into a PC to copy my photos and videos onto a hard drive so as to free up my memory on the card. I noticed that there was a folder on the card called LOST.DIR...
I suppose there is an element of truth to the adage "nice guys finish last", in that they will be walked over and usurped by more ruthless opponents. Where do Zen people fit into this scenario, given...
If an app or website does not have the Chromecast button to stream it via your TV, then is the only other way to screencast? The main difference I've noticed is that with chromecast you can do other...
I've got a bracket to put our 32" TV up into the corner of the kitchen but I'm not sure what height to put it. I assumed near the ceiling but have been told not to put it too high. I've looked at a...
Is there a way to adjust the settings for kids shows on Netflix? Firstly after a period of around half an hour it pauses and asks if you are still watching so I'd like to turn that off. The other...