What is your favourite book & why? It does have to be a life-changer, it could have just entertained you or it might be one that you read again & again.
I would like to here your views on, if F1 is classed as a sport. I have had this argument many a time with a friend saying it is wheras my friend believes F1 isnt but golf and snooker is.
have you seen the advert where in slow motion a car runs over a lad crosing the road, it shocks me every time which is the whole idea, but is it real because it sure looks real
can anyone tell me if they have heard of a band called the Sultans of Ping! I am sure I didn't imagine them. My brother used to have a CD of theirs and a couple of songs I remember were: 'Lets go...
I was thinking last night about how I would love to have a packet of crispy coated peanuts ( I think they were peanuts). I was told I was making it up - but they were nuts with a savoury coating -...
The advert says something like 'had enough of not good enough', but i can't think of what the song is! I think its from a musical but im not sure what one. Im very sure its NOT R?yksopp.
Here's an answerable question for everyone. I've only been visiting AB for a short time but already i see many factual, knowledgeable or well opinionated answers to questions so i wonder what does...