THE CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES IS 30TH MARCH 2025 7. Possible Gymnasts cover-up! 8 letters 12. Four hours of duty. 5 letters 48. Crustacean aware of health & safety. 6&4 letters 50. Eaten out? It... ...
7a) First published in 1900(8,5) to rhyme with 7b)Someone who may walk in front of a train (5) 8b)Goes for (6) to rhyme with mouth 7a)Word that can follow mixture and kennel(5) to rhyme with off.
But of a weird one to describe today: theft theft theft theft The top three thefts are in black. The lower "theft" is in grey. There are swooshes from the top right... ...
Help please - All answers are One Word with Two Meanings 1) The dignity deserves respect (6) 2) Moses did it to the Red Sea and left (6) 3) A cunning plan to breathe heavily (6)
Help please 1/ Winged beauty (3,7) 11/ Used in warfare (5,6) 26/ Variety o fruit ( 5,6) 30/ Old jazz song ( 4 6 ) 49/ Cocktail mixer ( 4,7 ) Thank you.
Can anyone help with my last three please. Clues have sound like answers. No.7 Wed (5), Give an unfair adantage (3), Precious Metal (4) - I have Marry for the 1st word and Gold for the 3rd word... ...
Hi again, still looking for last 2 on this, 6) Snitch on the cow (6) I have seen it answered as Boxing, but cant work out why 22) Knockout opera(6) Thank You
I'm stuck on some of these. Fill in the missing word: ....... ! Jingle bells, Jingle bells Then the first letter of it and the other 9 first letters give an African country - the letters I've got are... ...
In what year were the referee and a player from each of the competing All-Ireland Finalists members of the same club ? a. 1934 b. 1942 c. 1950 Any idea, please im struggling with this one.
Name these carols or Christmas songs from the clues 1. Royalty from China Japan and Thailand have turned up here (We three kings from orient are?) 2. Farmers alibi for staying out after hours 3. 364... ...