6dn Clue is 3 question marks - yes ??? with no letters. Have managed to get 4 out of 8 letters thus ?L?E?E?S. Sleepers fits, but can't see the logic.Help!
30 ac 4 sided spinning top in jewish gambling games. may-bell-09 asked for help at 1218 to-day, because DREIDEL or DREIDL make SYNDICATE wrong, and was given DRIEDL. But I can't find any reference to...
24ac LUPULIN fits the definition but is one letter short. LUPULINE is given either as an adjective to the above or as a noun described as an alkaloid extracted from hops as a colourless volatile...
4d. Nearly cylindrical food-fish. (a-l-e-). 5d. Of a former region in eastern Germany between the Elbe and the Oder. (l-s-t-a-). Many thanks in advance.
Has anyone else noticed that you get different versions of the entries from members, depending on whether you have logged onto Answerbank directly or via a link from another website? It looks like...