I've got Nail File, Green Thumb and Edge Tool, but that leaves me with Iguana Index which makes no sense to me. Any suggestions for getting me back on track?
I have searched everywhere for this but no luck. Can anyone help please. A term used at Winchester School to describe a blow on the knuckles while batting (8) letters, first letter is 'M'
help required for last two, please 14d shortened word for a cheer of approval- 3 letters, is it rah, from hurrah? 19d twisted or spinning movement 7 letters T?i?z?e appreciate any suggestions, please
1d Spheroidal clusters of stars tightly bound by gravitation (8,8) ? Globular - - s - e - s. Science again!! 10a dull yellow, tawny? (7)? f - l - - - - s. 31a A Greek word suggesting a divine...
Not often a query on AB is unanswered after more than 5 hours, but oldham1 asked about 2d, "Name for a gull, especially one in the plumage of its first year" ?o?d?-m?d?c. The other 4 were all...
A comment really. Just two minor points. Plumage is not spelt plummage and the county is known as the Garden of England isn't it, not the Garden of Eden?