When you submit your question, the system is supposed to come up with any similar questions that have already been asked, but it doesn't. I tried submitting the title 'First children's programme on...
Which film is shown over and over again in Hells only cinema? Note: it can be an existing film or a made-up one. For example, I imagine it would be something like 'Neighbours: The Movie' or 'The Kylie...
Can anyone tell me in which episode of Knight Rider that KITT gets sunk into a lake of acid, or concrete or something like that, and is almost destroyed when he eventually gets rescued. I seem to...
What is the name of the song that has recently been released? It's something to do with 'Paradise' (I think that's also part of the title). It contains the lyrics something like this 'and you don't...
It's pretty clear that Germany and France don't want to go into Iraq - the reason being that they are the only foreign countries left, with Petrochemical processing plants in Iraq at present - but why...
Can anyone tell me why you often hear African/Jamaican people saying 'arks' or 'aks' instead of 'ask'? i.e 'you only have to aks'. Is it deliberate or a dialect difference?
Who do you think is the most overrated actor or actress? My vote goes to John Wayne, who is as convincing as a cigar store indian. His speech and actions were unnatural and he was incapable of...
If there is no afterlife, why should we bother with morality? If there is no afterlife, then the only purpose in life is to get what you can while you can.. Therefore, why not go out on a killing,...