Heya - I'm trying to go on a calorie controlled diet and I'm wondering how many calories you think there are in a medium-big portion of shepherd's pie with a medium sized knob of butter and about 15...
There is guy I like at my gym. I think I have caught his eye a couple of times but how can I get talking to him. I use the bike, treadmill etc but he is always doing weights. I am not going embarrass...
I noticed in an earler thread that someone is asking if there is a facility on here yo post a live birth, is there? I don't know myself but if the users on B&S are kean well why not?
Do insist on buying a diary (actually i have 2 ) it is now april and i have now lost interest . I start off well filling in then i forget more and more probably pick up writing again in June , I even...
can anyone recommend some good chat up lines for women? i'm in my mid twenties and am absolutely sick of being chatted up by all the wrong men (the ones i like never seem to come my way). so seeing as...
Following on from my earlier question, are you guys bothered that I don't look my best at the gym? Lots of nice blokes at my gym but probably don't look at me coz not exactly looking my finest!!
what is the relavance of belly button fluff,and why do people pick their noses and eat it,a comic at our pub over the weekend observed these traits,but who was laughing at who?