which is the best way of finding a reptable kennels in my local area, i realise word of mouth is normally best, but people i've ask so far dont have any experience of kennels. thanks in advance
can any body recommend something to clear a blocked nose, i've had a cold that has now cleared up but my nose is still blocked, i've tried albas oil as a steam inhalation and it works for a little...
and the bitch has just had puppies, we are keeping the male dog seperate from her while she nurses the puppies, how long should he be kept away from her?
i used to really enjoy driving, but now the roads always seem to be gridlocked is this another problem caused by this small islands being so over populated?
did'nt know where to put this question, but as this seems to be the most popular here goes, i have approx 40 of the above vehicle model cars, where would be the best place for me to sell them, apart...
i've lived in my house now for nearly three years and in that time the neighbours a woman in her forties and a lad of 17 or 18 the lodger i believe, have been claiming dole money, there does'nt seem...
i have put on a bit of weight recently and it always goes on my waist and upwards while my hips and legs stay quite slim, what would be the most flattering way to dress for my shape, i dont normally...
with earplugs in last night, and the sound of my heart beat woke me up this morning, why would i be able to hear my heart beating because i have earplugs in any one know?
if i wanted to put my car off the road for say anything from 6 months to a year should i cancel my insurance or can it be put on hold until i'm ready to insure it again?