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I fancy a bag of sweets. Or maybe some Fruit Gums, or something like that. Definitely something fruity....
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And lower back pain be connected?
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What do they actually do?
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I am looking for a light blond permenant hair colourant can you recommend a good one tia
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has anyone tried the new jml stretchy bras?
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Have just bought one to try, it was quite cheap but if I like it will get a better one.I would like a few comments on what AB cooks think of them.
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of highlights put in my hair but they are a bit yellow I would like to put a light ash colourant on over the highlights how soon can I put the colour on top of the bleached highlights? tia
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Past two nights ive put my earphones in and listened to meditation and breathing techniques on my ipad/iphone.... Ive never heard the end of it as i am KONKED out! Id recommend it to anyone!!!!!...
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That Lorraine Kelly is back on tv today, after her (widely publicised) horse fall? Personally i despise the woman, and am not convinced she is as sweetness and light as she would have us believe! Kate...
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If you own 2 vehicles can you use your no claims discount on them both?
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I quit smoking a month ago. My cravings are near enough gone now. But I have had some terrible effects after. Coughing (with phlegm) I read its due to cilla growing back and your lungs repairing...
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my arms and legs are really quite slim (legs are to slim for my liking) but my torso is thick, I realise you cannot spot reduce weight but when I lose weight my legs and arms get even thinner and from...
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Is there anything you can buy in the pharmacy to help or is it just a matter of watching your diet?
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Can blood test tell if you have osteoarthritis?
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The older I get I seem to get more and more nervous especially when it comes to traveling by car by train or flying when I know I am going to visit my family who live 140 mile away for a couple of...
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is this card still free or do you now have to pay for it? tia
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I think it's called P60 has any one tried it and if so is it any good I've been looking for sun tan lotion for my holiday and hate having to keep reapplying it and was considering buying this instead
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I was out shopping today there was a baby in a pushchair with what I presume was her parent the adult had a thick hoodie on with the hood pulled up I might add, and the poor baby probably about 11...
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can anyone recommend a good one not really a chesty cough more of an irritating one.
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doctor seems to think my back pain is sacroilliac joint strain somedays it can be very painful but find certain exercise eases it especially cycling, walking can sometimes make it more painful does...

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