any1 have any tips on how to pi$$ my neighbours off like they pi$$ me off with their loud music all hours thru wk & wkends. getting woken up early hours & have work next day. was up for 2hrs this morn...
hi i have a laptop which is connected by the wireless router, i have now aquired a secondhand pc which i would also like to connect to the wireless how do i go about it tia
hugged my dad, he passed away recently and i cant stop thinking i wish i had given him a hug, i have never felt easy about physical contact and he was the same, but i cant seem to get it out of my...
my son has held his driving licence for 7 years but has not built up any no claims bonus as he has'nt had a car in all that time, he has recently been offered a job and i have said he can use my 2nd...
hi for a couple of days now i have had a pain which is there mainly when i am sitting or laying down, at the top of my right bum cheek, its not quite so bad when i am walking around, but when i go to...
I notice that when I turn off the power on my DAB radio I can still hear a faint humming noise going on inside the radio, it is still connected to the mains but supposedly off. Is this something I...
can anyone tell me what these cars are like to own i have seen one i quite like its a 1994 model, never having owned a vauxhall before would like some views tia
hi could anyone please give me some ideas on what i could leave an ederly person for their tea, (apart from sandwiches) only he is not able to cook for himself, i am there to do him some dinner at...
a device that is simple and easy to use, so i can play my i-pod through my car stereo, i have tried one of the transmitters i brought from e-bay, but it keeps losing the signal. tia
my father is very ill, and has been given months to live rather than years although he does'nt know how long he has left, when i am caring for him if he does'nt get his own way, or hes not happy about...
hi i am thinking of getting rid of my landline phone and make do just with my mobile phone, but I still want to keep the internet would it be worth me getting mobile broadband or is this not very...
hi not sure which topic to put this in but my husband has recently lost his job he's nearly 63 and was told he could claim pension credits rather than job seekers, i dont work due to looking after my...
I have been quoted a increase of 56% on my dogs renewal policy the only addition is that the dog is a year older now No claims have been made He is now 6yo. Do members have the same experience from...
i want to sleep most of the time, find it difficult to laugh, and sometimes cant be bothered to speak to people, and i am getting very nervous about travelling on any kind of public transport or being...
one of my jobs i work all day thursdays and fridays and just half a day on saturdays, when i take holiday on a saturday does it seem right that i lose a full days holiday should'nt i just lose half a...