This crossword is normally published on the back page of the main section but I cannot find it in today's newspaper. Is it published in another section?
Still struggling with a few. 25ac "I'm jumping into guano, minor ego repelled." ?E???I?? 28 ac "Leave wet clothes entirely clean, initially." ???A?? 21 Dn "Wife riding kangaroo perhaps, great story!."...
Totally stuck with these last 2. 9ac "Minute rodents biting before birth." ?N ?t?R? (Not sure about the t.) "In Store?" But why? 13ac "Mark reviewing online shopping trolley." T?A?E "Trace?" If so...
Desperately need some help this week,
"Boy and girl in South Asian region." ??????
"boat carrying nothing extravagant." ??????E
"Forecast wind in wine shops." ??????S
Any help much appreciated....
Still got a few left. 22dn "Ask for a flower to go with evening wear." ?D?U?? 26dn " Make up a voice that's united." A?O?? 30 ac. "With others present inside, it's very delicate." ?T?????L Ethereal?...
7 dn. "hang about-that's pants!" D???E?I? 8dn. "You, old girl, with an unruly youngster." N???L?N? 28 acr. "Outline, V-shaped, with rolled edges." ?N?????E Not absolutely sure about the first letters...
Last 2. "One of 63 pages in dissertation." T?E?PI? (63 refers to operettas.) "Square root worked by thematic grandee." P?A?A-?O?O It has been a long slog through all these operettas. Please put me out...
Not sure about these last 2:-
"Children's publication is certain to lack one of the three Rs" I???E Issue?
"Second string player's beginning to go off" ???I?T Assist?
Help much appreciated...
Last one. "Old film perfectly encapsulating pub." T?P ?A?.
There is a 1935 film called TOP HAT but I can't see the rest. Or have I got something wrong?
Any help much appreciated....
Still struggling! 1dn "Stylish medic losing a composition." ????S? 7dn "Turmoil's rising. What's rising? Hot stuffs rising." ????A???
Help appreciated....
Really stuck this week. 1 acr. "Top sturdiest construction," ????I?S?
5 acr. "Employ first judge" ?E???? 19acr. "Polish senior clergyman out of work." A???I?H.
Help much appreciated....