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"10-1 upset-somewhat fake." X??????? The only author I can find is XIAOLONG but I can't see how it fits....
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In a haze, tottering round pub.Z????????. Probably an author but none of the 3 beginning with Z that I have found seem to fit.
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Oil, bit of butter,cream bun, and half a lime. P???????? Not an author if my other P one is correct. Help!!!
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Apalling end for Chief. E?????????? May be an author.Any help much appreciated
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Bell Trio Berg Composed. R???? ??????? It's an author. Maybe an anagram. Any ideas please
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Bell Trio Berg composed.R???? ??????? An author. Any suggestions.It might be an anagram but I can't work it out.
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"Moving as it happens around old lake, first of tourists." ?O?O?O?I?E. Probably LOCOMOTIVE but I can't quite work it all out....
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20 down. Convict wearing hat, digging. T?L?A?E. Has to be TILLAGE but for the life of me cannot see why. Any ideas?
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1down.I fail to support chap of numerous parts. 8 letters and I think that the first could be an s. 4 across. Plant meat right inside item of underwear. 8 letters and I think that the 6th is an r. I...
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8 down."One that would kill and boo?" S?O?N?R. scorner is one of the few words that fit but I just don't get it and it's the last one....
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Last one.5 down. Obey the villain. H?E?. Surely has to be HEED.But why the villain? An explanation would be much appreciated....
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Stuck on a few. 23 across. Blow nose after rolling casks P???H?O?S 5 across Jester found by Prince-Shakespearean, as well. ?I?H?L 25 across. Going west in Prufrock's holiday destination. C?R?? Any...
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18 down.Nazi embraces country star. ?E?????S. Could be Hess around the name of a country but I can't get it.Help!!!
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21 down. True change of direction for William,say. R?Y?L The answer has to be ROYAL but for the life of me I cannot see why? HELP!!! Gerdalund...
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Is it HEAR? "Get to know" and shortened HEARNE?...
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B?T?S Should be easy but I just can't see it which is frustrating because it is the last one.Any help much appreciated (with explanation)
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"Copper bottom on weapon in stick, foot sawn off." ?E?D?R?E Could be gendarme (a French "copper") but I can't really see the rest except "weapon" could be "arm".Any ideas? Thanks in advance....
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Work of genius? No. GO?F. Has to be GOOF or GOLF.ANy ideas? Thanks in advance
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22 down "Order received wrongly gets one very put out." ???R?E Could be "decree" but why? Any help very much appreciated.
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Stuck on the last one. "Name perfect middleEastern destination." ?U?A? Any ideas?

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