Has the editor ever replied when people ask why their questions and threads were banned? I think it would be more professional if he/she could back up their actions with reasons. Anyone else agree?
Can a nerve re grow when it has been taken out by the Dentist? I had a fall last year and smashed my front tooth exposing the nerve so it was removed and I had temporary filling stuff packed onto the...
I want to buy a fitness video to help in my plan to be fit for the summer! I bought a Nel McAndrew one a couple of years ago and it is really too ambitious for a beginner so I am looking for something...
I was in the pub the other week and I noticed alot of teenagers bellies hang over their jeans. Is this because they want to still fit in a size 8 when they are really a 12. I personnaly think people...
How many applications do you generally need before you can see a difference? I use the darker one but even after 2 - 3 applications I can't see a difference
If you were marooned on an uninhabited desert island which 10 people would you prefer to share it with, and why them ? (Not family or friends, and only people who are alive now.) Any suggestions?
Whats your favourite and least favourite smells? I have an old purfume bottle from when I was 10 and it takes me back to my youth. And I cant stand the smell of petrol and elastic bands, oh and BO...
How can an AB user be allowed to use the name **** 234 ? This is the **** it scenario allover again, if it is starred out in the reply box why can it be used to register? (Check out Music)
does anybosy no any self tan creams,sprays,towels etc. im looking at bit pale at the mo and i cant us esunbeds as i have a scar on my back which is still fresh and the doctor told me dont go into the...
Hi, My wife had a beautiful dark haired little girl this morning and both are fine. We're after 3 names, as the other kids have 3 names and are open to any suggestions. Unusual or classic are fine,...