I've needed new knees for years, but I subluxed one getting Into the car, and haven't been able to straighten my leg for two months. It's very painful. I can't get a new Knee until I live... ...
Colour cartridge.. Coming up as Low, but I only use the black cartridge. Will the black still work if I don't replace the colour cartridge? Thanks all.
Last year my Gtec motor went. I phoned up customer services and they said I had to replace the whole base unit. I had to keep the battery dirt bin and handle. Ok no problem I did that. 7 months on... ...
I've just received a letter informing me that my benefit will be increased by April. Since when has old age pension been classified as a benefit? I have paid out for National Insurance... ...
OK I have a motorcycle for sale on Ebay, I received an offer for the asking price (odd no 1). The buyer is in the Isle of Man (odd no 2). I messaged them back saying I would accept the offer ( I... ...
I've just finished watching the Luther Vandross documentary, he was my music hero, loved him to bits, saw him live half a dozen times, and if I had a gun to my head it would have to be Never Too... ...
I am currently on a PAYG system (O2) ==because I hardly use my own mobile.( My wife has a SIM only contract , so I use her phone at home all the time) I believe I am shortly going to have to put... ...
Well maybe just a little bit, today marks only year of sobriety for me. When I was in drinking mode I would have laughed at the suggestion I should stop.
Such a tragic story...we can only wonder 'why?' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14349243/body-woman-river-police-sisters-missing-Aberdeen.html ...
The story of a world war two veteran who escaped his care home to join commemorations of the D-Day landings in France. Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson are superb. Have your tissues handy.... ...
The digital kitchen scales we've had for, perhaps about twenty years, is just giving up the ghost. i.e. the feet are coming adrift. All sorts at all sorts of prices offered on Amazon etc. Is anyone... ...
I have had a really bad cold which literally took me off my feet for a couple of days. After just over a week most symptoms have settled (although still coughing) except I'm left feeling really... ...
can someone tell me where to find the settings for facebook. I joined a group that I was interested in and added people I know as friends but dont want any of the other posts as they are of no... ...
We are having a nightmare with our old business email address since we got a new desktop computer (old one conked out) no one can remember the password and as it's an @brconnect.com account it's... ...
My friends husband of 30 plus years had a will made in favour of his children with first wife. He has now died and never changed his will where will she stand now as to what she would be entitled... ...
I volunteer for a Charity that has an online store. People donate to charity shops for many reasons – the main being to declutter their homes, but also so that the items can be sold for as much as... ...