My 9 year old grandson has to find words that end in able or ible. The teacher has asked him to form sentences with these words. We are stuck on one beginning with z. Any ideas? Only helpful ones...
What do you have planned? I'm going to have a civilsed glass of Morrison's Best Sancerre tonight with a few little nibbles. I'm working Saturday and Sunday (voluntarily) and so it won't be too much of...
I have got raging toothache. I realise other people have got problems hundreds of times worse than this but at present its no consolation. Only 2 hours until my next paracetamol.
We are having a BBQ with a 60's theme, any suggestions for starters and puds please. Already we have included cheese and pineapple, black forest gateau. We know it will probably be naff but good fun...
A: when I caught Lady Gaga's performance on tv for the Radio one big weekend, and was rather concerned after she threw a drumstick into the crowd! You could take somones eye out for crying out loud! ....
I was interested to hear that 21% of those seeking to die were simply 'weary of life' Probably the biggest argument against it becoming legal here.... but what a wonderfully touching programme......
other than for say medical reasons I just looked at a photo of Barry Manilow and he looks awful. I confess i wouldn't unless i had an accident and was badly disfigured in some way, but these people...
Have we become so addicted to technology that we have to buy an extremely expensive gadget into which we input texts so we can read them? Why not take a trip to WHSmiths and buy the equivalent?...
I've got a large-ish stainless steel dish drainer but being in a hard water area it really "cakes up" with limescale. I really don't want to use a chemical cleaner so I wondered if there was...
Is anyone watching this?And if you are what are your opinions on Dave the lazy scouser who thinks dole money is a HUMAN RIGHT ? Hes the epitome of a dole scrounger in my eyes.Hes a scouser and if he...
I think this should really be in Food and Drink but here goes. I have to do a finger buffet for about 100 people soon.Has anyone got any suggestions for something fairly simple but a bit different.It...