Hi, I am stuck on two answers 27a, sounds like one 'ell of a cruise ship menu (8) ??o?t?n?, also 27d, for an enticement at first look, by hook or by crook (4) ??i?. If this is bait, then what can... ...
(9)a Foothold initially brings a stronghold to get across ??e?g?h?a? (10) I'm pretty sure the answers I have relating to these letters are right. Can't figure it out. Also (3)d Stop at nothing... ...
14d Housing the problem from the first part of Ireland, such is the mood.... looks like anger is the answer but don't get what that has to do with first part if ireland?
17d Subject to another who needs support? The latter has a letter for one in need! (9) Don't know whether it is dependant or defendant, probably dependant??? Any ideas please.
Hi, I am hoping some of you RTE Guide puzzlers can help me out on my last clue; assuming that it relates to other clues in the xword. 3d. and a note after the fourth. I cannot figure it out, would...
Hi, just want to check this one out. 5/24d Given no better source of information, why not trap one at Shelbourne Park. (3,6,5) for your information Shelbourne park is a greyhound racecourse. The first...