What a girl needs ... - a power suit - a titty shirt - black strappy shoes (so far, so good) ? http://fashiontribes.typepad.com/main/images/t idbit_dg_chalk_stripe_suit.jpg - a soft top car (oh, yes)...
Its hot infact its scorchiooooo today 95 degrees i been sitting outside half in half outta the shade what cool drink ashould i have? i got a choice of .......... diet bru , coke zero ,cola light , red...
Well, I have finally found the car of my dreams. Having been to see a few privates this weekend, none of which worked out, i was perusing the interweb last night and came across one from a dealer...
This morning Wogan kept making reference to someone reporting on some sporting event (cricket or golf) yesterday, and apparently they said someone had a 'chink in their armour'. He mentioned it...
is it me or is she really damaging the rights that women fought for? Men telling her to get her t!ts out and do star jumps and she practically says "How Many?"
If we had a *skillsbank* what skills do you have and what do you need doing ? For example, I can sew, cook and am getting quite handy at cat sitting but am useless at anything requiring step ladders...
Over the last few weeks theres be an increase in posts about how fta , disgusting , sweaty, and disgustingly obese i am. Well whiffy,spaced ,4gs,la john ,ed case ,and a aselection of female users have...
Quite the perfect pic of me diving with nurse sharks in the caribbean but it aint bad I have more better ones but will do them later. Do you like my flipper....
http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p70/zafu/Sk inny%20Models/skinny_models.jpg OR http://i1.iofferphoto.com/img/item/299/036/21/ N1249.jpg OR http://www.ireporter.tv/Upload/www.sexylingeri...
what a great week ive had ...ive lost weight, i got a pay rise .my son got accept on a I T course that he really wanted ...think i will buy a lottery ticket ...have you had a good week
There are some wild rabbits opposite my house which come out early in the morning and in the evening. A few are the usual brown/grey type colour but there are some that are black and white. Do you get...