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anyone got any experience of this company? we've been offered a "free" holiday including flights for going to their presentation. we've done this type of thing before with timeshare companies and had...
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I got into trouble with a credit card debt, got it sorted (I thought), had interest knocked off and have been repaying in installments for 6 months to a third party as agreed with original lender....
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I got into trouble with a credit card, got it sorted (I thought) , got interest cut off it and have been paying installments to a 3rd party (as agreed with the lender) for 6 months. Now a debt...
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24d letter from a christian priest to his or her congregation (8) -a-t--a- tia
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answer is 5,9 letters are D L L L N N S G E E E E E E (unless I've gone horribly wrong)!!!! thanks
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12a a type of open weave muslin or hessian fabric used in the theatre to create different effects according to lighting -c-i- tia
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14a job, task e-r-n- 17d wrecked -a-a-e- thanks
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25a a man with whom one is in love i-a-o-a-o thanks and merry christmas to all
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17a tube or duct for enclosing electric wires or cable (7) -o-d-i- thanks
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1d fabric made of silk and wool or cotton and rayon that is used especially for coars (8) -a-a-h-a thanks in advance
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2d eloquent -r-i-u-a-e thanks
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26d a grammatical structure where two words connected by a conjunction are used to express a single notion (9) -e-d-a-y- thanks
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more cunning or devious (8) -r-f-i-r
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I lost my 3 year old cat last night after a car hit him. (The driver looked but didn't get out or anything - hope he's struck down by something nasty) The vet couldn't save him because of the nerve...
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8d hollow basal shaft of a bird feather (7) c - l - m - s thanks
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any chemical substance with the valency of eight (5) o-t-d thanks
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9d ancient egyptian war goddess usually depicted with the head of a lioness (7) -e-h--t 21d electrical device used to block current flow in one direction (5) d-o-e thanks
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conic section formed by the intersection of a cone by a plane parallel to its side (8) p-r-b-l- thanks
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26d intuitive knowledge of spiritual truths (6) _n_s_s thanks
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what are the opening times for tax free shopping

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