Hi on Sunday at 7am I went to an outdoor church service for Easter. The service was followed by bacon and egg rolls at a local church hall near the event. I sat down beside a couple I know well from...
Hi there. My brother has been having abdominal pain for about 2 months now on and off in the middle of the night. He had a bad episode 3 weeks ago when he came up to see me and my parents for my...
I was treated very badly by a manager for a voluntary job I did and loved for several years until a change of junior management. I made a formal complaint but it didn't get me anywhere I found out he...
Hi there? I am due to go for a dental crown on Tuesday as it's a front tooth and I dont want to lose it. I have never had a crown before what is it like? I'm a nervous wreck about the dentist anyway...
My parents tried to download the app to get proof of their covid vaccines. It sounds very bizarre they could not find their original letter so they had to reset their password and then take a copy of...
I got my results today and the bowel screening result was clear so that's me for another 2 years. However I had a lot of left sided pain lower stomach pain up until 4am. Strangely enough the only...
Hi this is all starting to get slightly worrying with tensions between Russia and the west over Ukraine and a possible invasion. Could this lead to a new cold war or more worryingly a very hot war...
Hi there I am an anxious traveller. Tonight I am travelling 20 miles with my friend to a meeting. Earlier on there was an accident A90 Northbound traffic Scotland says delays of 10 minutes but that...
Hi there. I am not sure if I have anything to be worried about. I got an email tonight from the leadership of the church I go to occasionally. I was there on Sunday and this email said a person...
Hi there I was 50 on 2nd January I had a nice day with my parents and my sister and brother in law at my house and then we went out for a meal at night. All did Lateral Flow Tests. This week I...