ive stillgot another stone and a half to lose by september and want to raise the bar a bit more now. ive invested in a excercice bike and cross trainer and i do loads of walking with the kids, but was...
im deciding to have a change of career and im hopeing to start a hairdressing course in sept. I went for my first interview yesterday and been told that because of our household income (18000) i wont...
my cousin was found dead yesterday by her 14 year old son, she was 34. The coroner thinks its related to her weight and that she iether had a heart attack or she suffercated in her sleep. So sad. Its...
what is the big deal about this susan boyal woman, ok she has a good voice but lets be honest she is only getting all the attention because she is a minger. if she was a average looking person she...
is it possible to do yourself harm from eating too much fruit and veg? for breakfast i had fruit salad and smoothie. lunch i had jacket potatoe with homemade ratatoullie and salad. dinner i had fish...
my 1 year old is driving me nuts, weve been up since 6 and she has banged her head 3 times in 2 hours, why is it that when babies fall they always land on their heads?
i want to start using brighteye eyedrops but it says that you shouldnt use if you have dieseases of the eye. Ive had a condition called iritis once [very very painful] but not sure if this is classed...
does anyone know how to block a certain persons incoming emails, im with google? the reason im asking is because im getting abusive emails from my ex husbands new girlfriend, dont know why she has a...
does anyone know how to block a certain persons incoming emails? the reason im asking is because my ex husbands new girlfriend has ''tracked'' me down on face book, sent a friend request, which i...
i recently celebrated my birthday and recieved a blown up canvas of my daughter off my partner. As lovely as it is i was dissapointed because i thought my partner would of at least had a picture of...
ive seen babies as young as a few months with hoops in their ears, personally it makes makes me really uncomfortable. How old were you when you had yours done? at what age would you allow your child...
ive got little red spots all over the tops of my arms and no matter wht i do nothing seems to shift them, does anyone have any suggestions and any ideas to what causes them?