In yesterday's DTGK Prize crossword, is there a mistake? 12d should be Gustav (Graves) from Die another Day, and 27A should be Oloroso, so the first O is therefore made to be an A from Gustav, not...
3d, Fighter left in almost irregular disturbance (9)
4d, Additional runs at cricket (6)
20a, Objects of worship (5)
34a, Summary not quite accurate (6) P???I?...
On the news they are saying that the jobless total is down, but there are more people claming the job seekers allowance, isn't this claimed by jobless people? It seems like an oxymoron to me. Is it a...
16 and26 ac 14th and current presidet of Nigeria, elected in April 2011 ((8-8) (Goodluck-?r???a) 20ac 2011 live action/animated comedy film feauring Hugh Leurie as the voice of the Easter Bunny. (3)...
What's that all about? Is Ken Clarke on this planet? so, we have over populated prisons in this country but releasing this type of person back into the community after only serving half the term is...
Just 1 left, 54a) Swedish physiologist & pharmacologist who was co-awarded the 1970 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on neurotransmitters,(5) E?u?r, all help appreciated thanks