can anyone describe five common signs and symptons of a dementia? i think i have got them but would like a second opinion ,also what mental function tends to become affected later in the progression...
can anyone answer this for me ? is it likely that two people could share exactly the same experience of dementia or if not what experiences could they have thank you for your time
can anyone help with this question if the temporal lobe area of the brain was affected discribe the difficulties you would have and what tasks would you find difficult ? thanks
i have another question ,can anyone answer this in their words ?as your dementia progresses you become more and more forgetfull,you no longer feel able to do many of the things you once took for...
can anyone help me me put into words this question? if you have just been told you have dementia that it is a degenerative brain disorder and there is no cure discribe the emotions you would feel and...
can anyone tell me if there is a web site where i can get imformation on dementure as i am going to be doing a course shortly for my job and my need to find imformation thanks
thanks retrogirl your answer was the same as her health visitors i have passed your message on to my daughter we will just have to keep trying he did lick a peice of chicken yesterday but wouldt bite...
can anyone give me any sugestions on how to get my grandson to eat he will not try anything only eats toast bread a butter crackers crisps also eats scoobydo pasta shapes,my daughter is at her wits...
can anyone tell me why my 3year refuses to eat any meals he will only eat things like toast crisps bisc cake any thing else he just will not puy in his mouth please help as my daughter is pulling her...
can anyone tell me why my 3 year old grandson will not eat any meal not even a chip all he will eat is toast and ready break weetabix gp said not to worry we are all at our wits end his twin brothers...
you have started work at a new day center for people with various disabilities the dining room has one small step up to it and the care staff set a seperate table in the main hall for for people in...
can any one tell me why when i send email the client dont get it im new to the computer im on tiscali i know the ones i sent to my friend yesterday whent to their trash can thanks grandmacath