All answers are part of the body. (may have different spelling but same sound) 17 Service in the main (5) 20 Spanner or game (6) 30 Cereal Crop (4) 34 Expend thoughtlessly (5) As always all help...
I thought that I wouldn't get any of these but I settled down last week - still off work with broken radius - and have surprised myself with those I found and also help from questions posed by other...
Cryptics - my bete noir- butI still keep having a go. A little help would be much appreciated. 8a Hold in higher estimation according to arbiter inside (6) ?r???r 11 across it hurried around when...
as usual I'm stumped with a crucial few 18a ridicule (5,2) 22a Treading (9) 24a Brought up to date (3,2,3,7) 26a melodious (5) Sweet? 14a A drawer pulls out from it (7) 18a quick attack to seize power...
I'm struggling with a few. If I can get a couple more I may be able to finish the rest on my own. 30d High voiced male singer Counter-Tenor? 41d Batling with leg ring is neither here nor there i?...
I've scrolled back through all the answers but cannot find the one I want. Can anyone help me with 16 and if anyone has finally got a definitive answer to no 20 I would appreciate that one as well. If...
16a man about to make enquiries from northern statesman A?A?K?N st 4d rich food following a highball: rest-break required ??B???? 5d claim you dispute ??N???? 20d try everything in it that's edible...
Still struggling with: 14d are no sparkling drinks made in it? (5) ?t?? 18a All in, try to get something to eat (7) S?A???? 20d A quarter through finds they make one feel dazed(7) ??A?C?S 23a Gave...
I've still got a few left to complete this crossword and would appreciate any help 7d Dogs eg back in Helsinki ?s?? 16a Undersea link for fish, no u-turn made inside ??r?t?n?e? 17a Schoolgirl back in...
I don't know if you will see my answer to your question on my 'Of Birds & men' posting but I think the answer tp your question is 'A mess of potage' Genesis quote
I've broken the end of my radius and consequently I've got a bit behind with my quizzes. I've just noticed the closing date o this one and I'm still 8 adrift. I would really appreciate a little help....
Apart form 45 & 48 which it seems every one is stumped on i aonly ned two others.They ar all dingbats o Christmas carols,food sayings etc. 6. BLEAT Peppermint Boiled Sweet 40 Very difficult to...