My other half has literally just started taking these (15mg at night). He did have a good sleep (hurrah!) but is super dopey today and says he's got aches and pains (bit like if you have the flu).... ...
My other half has been in an IVA for a year now and updated his income and expenditure sheet as requested. He’s had a pay rise and it was my understanding that he’s meant to pay half of the extra he...
I’ve been asked to look into getting this. I’m assuming I can download the app to my Samsung smart TV and watch it on there? I’ve googled and googled but still not 100% sure how it works. If I buy a...
If you’re switching from a current account to a basic account, do all direct debits still get transferred across and also any money going into the account (ie wages)? I know it’s easy switching...
Other half left his work last month. He had overtime due to him which he had to wait for until this month’s pay. Top line for the overtime was £279.81 and they’ve taken £55.80 tax off that (plus NI)....