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Can anyone help with these please? 20ac Rip off celebrant out to be the first to decorate the tree in the UK ( 6,6) ?R???E ?L?E?? also 24ac I had conducted the carollers, perhaps, but became lazy (5 )...
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Struggling with these last three so any help greatly appreciated, 12ac British steamship torpedoed and sunk in 1918(60 I have I?k?s? 27ac Diviner in the Torah of the Jewish Bible(6) ?a?a?m 21dn...
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I am stuck on one today - any help appreciated. _ nitrate; chemical compound added to diesel to improve its ignition properties (4) - I have ?M?X
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kelly---US actress
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Just want to check this last one,19dn Greek island area producing a savoury pastry(6) I think answer is Samosa but can't quite pull all elements together.Thanks for any help.
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help please 7a the heron and bittern genus 5 A???A 11a city in central java, indonesia 9 S?R?K???A 12a tropical insect formerly thought to transmit light 7,3 ??N?E?N/?L? 1d road---the crushed stone...
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Help please - 5d.Understanding reached by Britain and France in 1904 ?N?E??? C?R?I?L? (7&8) - thanks
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British television actress (6,7) LRISNCAIREKNE Comedian (7,6) LHDUSEAOSLWRR...
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Crowd around
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This is a Greatfun quiz question which I don't understand. Any clue would be appreciated. If it's 170km to Venice, 208km to Trieste, 288 km to Rimini. How far is Padua?...
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2d old detective with tight budget(10) ?h?e?t???g 15a wild beast in french resort(7) ?n???e? 16a bond hit the drink(7) ?a?p??? 14d educative trip with relative by tudor building(5,4) ???n? ???? 22a...
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25 across total extent of a publication 2 words of 5 and 3 ?R?N? RUN many thanks in advance
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for another 1/2 hour .....will she?
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The QPR job must be in the bag for Arry, surly?
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Just wanted to confirm this one please. 21ac. Sea-holly has very headless type of organisation(6) I think answer is eryngi .i get very headless but what is ngi....
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I've heard a few people say lately that we are apparently in for a bad winter? Has anyone else heard if this is the case? Might need to get more prepared than usual if so. Hope everyone's having a...
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Does anyone have cash bonus amounts for Sat Mail 20th and Sunday Mail 21st please. went tocheckand wife has thrown papers out today refuse day! THANKS...
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saw this on FB and people had various answers; 6-1x0+2/2= ? Most people answered '1' but I made it '5'!...
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9d widespread eurasian plant with woolly leaves and tall erect spikes of yellow flowers; verbuscum thapsus ??r?n? ???
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Although some of the decisions are fully understandable some are completely baffling.For example how come Mike Cattermole is going and yet channel 4 have recruited that clown Rishi Persad and Jim...

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