15a An ancient North african port on the Mediterranean Algiers ? 22a Lie Low ? 32a Lengths of hair ???i?? 35a Violent tropical storm Typhoon ? 37a Sport in which the participants wear a parachute...
3d. One provides reception food to follow minute iced starter (8) M-N-D-S-. (i see 'monodist'....but.......). 22a. One's in competition with East German exile (9) 'Ostracise' or 'Ostracize' ? 21d....
17d. Inquisitive writer quits destitute for Conservative (7) -U-----.
23a. Rails crossing river where pike may count in competition (10) T-A-------....
14a. Such a campaign, even if successful, isn't working (10,6) -----T----,-----N.
27d. Wrong shape for mine shaft (6) -P-A-T.
55a. Right parts to be bought in spring (6) -E-N-L....
6D Long haired type of dog with a distinctive ruff and a long narrow head ?o?g? c?l?i? 37a Snakes such as pythons , boas or anacondas ???s?r?????s 26d A scraped area or spot ,graze A???s??? Thanks...
Need a start.......13a. Poet's private place to risk meeting maiden in environs of Harlow (4,8).
16a. Type of idyllic landscape having dark brown evergreen tree (9-3)....