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peters cute
wot do u think about fat people well wot i would say it counts what is in the inside not the outside
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mr. piper
i would like to know, where are ABers are from? i would not ask for adresses obviously but having had AB contact with lots of peeps, it would be interesting to know if they were from UK, US whatever,...
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Why is America's democracy self proclaimed as the greatest on Earth when it is possible to be elected to President winning only 12 of the 50 states?
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i cant understand that.He starts a war for nothing,He is like a puppet,His family has conections whit AL QAEDA organizations,He doesnt has military service,He doesnt want to start the cell...
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What exactly is his purpose? please explain?
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So what do you lot DO?
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 Where do all you ABers come from -don't need house adresses or any thing just a town or city? Its just that im really nosy and like to gather a picture in my head of all you lot? Im not a...
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Does anyone know the group Los Lonely Boys?,What do you think about their style and music?...and,cuz this is an England page...How did u know about them?
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what are the effects or consequences of media on human devolopment?
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Has anyone got any amusing place names to report? It might be a village or town that you live in, or somewhere you have heard of. For example, I used to drive through Christmas Pie on a regular basis!
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What's the funniest, genuine name you've ever heard? We have a business card on the notice board in our office belonging to Randy Horn!
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los lonely bogys sing a song called heaven...who sang it first

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