This will make sense only to solvers of today's puzzle, as all entries are thematic. 21 D. One painter ingests most of pleasant medication (6) ?EA?AN. I have an entry I can make, one using the beloved...
12 D. Y or S in H? (6) ??s?el
13 A. Pointer following type of bid(not opening) (6) fe????
(Tried to do something with 'fesse'/pointer but have got nowhere.)
Thanks for any help....
Hello EVers, I always chortle at the name of this week's compiler, but expect a tough work-out. This week was no exception! As ecpected, had to work on the periphery, then, sort of encroach onto 12d!...
Just one left!
32 across: Part of the rigging abraded by extremes of swell (6) S _U_SL
(the 'D' needs to be removed from the clue so it's abrade not abraded I assume)
Thanks in advance...
12 A. Clergyman runs after the French trader (6) ????er (If it's 'dealer', why?) 18 A. Wave retreating over lantern in Cape Wrath subsides (6) ???te? The wordplay in lots of clues leads to the answer...
23 A. Backward person receives meagre payment (7) ti????? 41 A. Texan's eyed French woman wearing fake gold (7) ?lo???? PS. This is a themed crossword, but these clues are not involved. Thanks for any...
Fun puzzle. Very clever to find 5 pairs of words that provide the thematic material in such an appropriate way. Huzzah for Kcit! Heading towards 102 today, so it's cooling off some ;( Still no rain in...
Got there in the end after a muddled start and it all fell into place quickly at the finish. I enjoyed this puzzle and for me it had just the right amount of difficulty. I love EV Sundays!
This puzzle was just the right degree of difficulty for me - some have been far too easy of late. Last few clues took a while before all fell into place. However there were four wrong word lengths -...
Hi all Hopefully I'm not treading on Mintyman's toes but as I know a number of people enjoy The Spectator crossword I have saved a pdf of it and can email it out to interested parties. To save me...
A rainy morning here in the West of Ireland, but I managed to get the last copy of the Telegraph, so was able to enjoy this excellent crossword - not the most difficult grid fill, but an entertaining...
Nearly there BUT I still have PUB (something and ANCHOR?) not beef, discomfiture, trouble , financial backing to find + the last pair - possibles DIN? MAGES (games?) CH? ?ARITE ?OSE . Any ideas or...
Hello I'm a bit perturbed about 5 down: Strap bone with a finger ring (7) (there is a misprint in the definition) But, there are only 5 spaces on the grid, so is a 5 or 7 letter word (or am I going...