Who has been England's most successful football captain? I mean guys that have done a proper stint (10 games) at the job, rather than the 100% record of someone who's had the armband flung at him for...
We are told that oatmeal (porridge oats) are good for us and can help reduce cholestrol but does it make a difference if they are cooked or not? I have a bowl of uncooked poridge, milk and sultanas...
For a study I am doing, who would you pick as the most inspirational, special or most important person of the 20th/21st century? I would have to pick Mother Teresa who helped thousands of poor and...
Anyone else agree that it's a great advertisement? Channel 4's advert are usually good with their ads anyway but if you havent seen it yet try and watch (and the show's on this Sunday 8PM I...
why is there so much anti scouse vitrol among you lot is it jealousy of englands most successful club? fair enough have a go at the team but why the scouse jokes? im not a scouser by the way
does anone know the song that gets played when they are doibg the fixtures and when they showed the french guy break dancing? please help the song is doing my head in
Hello, I'm looking to hire good quality pitches for a tournament in a few months. I'm looking for pitches that are flat, mown and have quality playing surfaces. Ideally somewhere with 3/4 pitches....
Just listening to Radio 2 & they're discussing whether to phase out Miss or Mrs, in favour of Ms. Personally, I've always been happy to be known as Mrs. However, if I were in the unfortunate...
what do you think a boy would like for his 18th birthday? i already got him something but i need ideas for any other little bits and pieces... wot good dvds are out at the moment n stuff? thanx