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Hi there, sorry this question is a week late really. I watcced every one apart from the final and forgot to record it - arggh! I can't find out which house won from anyone (am I the only person who...
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Probably gonna get some flack for this but, my job is to phone people and ask them if they would like to take part in surveys. I don't want to sell anyone anything and I make that very clear when i...
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I would like to know if you can still take out insurance for having twins "before" you have your first scan? I know a few years ago that you could take out an insurance for about ?5 before your first...
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hi, i live in china for about five years and lived in many many cities, what i wanna ask is : why Chinese are stupids? that what usually ask my self and friends, they haven't any common seance and...
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Can anyone help me on this please? Im due my baby in May, which entitles me to the 9 month maternity leaver:-) The thing is, its in my contract that my employers will pay me full pay for my maternity...
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My fiance and I are due to marry in Sept 2008 and are very excited. However I am really concerned that all is not going to go well. When we announced our engagement it caused huge family rows. My...
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up the villa
why don they make prawn cocktail pringles???
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burt one
looked everywhere for some green wine glasses! found 1 but dont really want to spend ?60 a glass. anyone seen any. my mother would really like some for xmas so any ideas would be great. thanks.
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im wanting to get a photo changed into canverse and make it bigger does anyone now places that do this eg boots!
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I've just hired a treadmill (with a view to getting fit/loosing weight). When is the best time to exercise i.e. after/before breakfast, after/before dinner. I'll be walking (briskly) first of all,...
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My husband and I are currently trying for baby no2. My period is like clockwork, every 28 days, not a day over or under. My period is 4 days late. I have done two home pregnancy tests, both of which...
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Hi, We are thinking of buying a proprerty. We have been told by the estate agent that the current owner is either bankrupt or being filed for bankruptcy (sorry I can't remember which). Does this...

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