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Please help. 14D Always on the outside, no mistake (9) E...N.L.. is the answer eternally? also stuck on 26A It's incidental on stage beside start of pop song (2-4) .Y...Y
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27D Supervise stud (4) ?O?R
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1A Stamp of approval for new team in Church of Scotland (8) K.....R. please help
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25A Glazed earthenware transforms a fine church (7) 23D Babies do chuckle endlessly taking teaspoonful (6)
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23D Babies do chuckle endlessly taking teaspoonful (6) is the answer punchy?
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8D Sportsmen taking awful risks round top of eiger (6) 21D Famous rapper's cut short at National theatre (7)
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last one now; 13A Joining a Catholic marriage with 50, not 500 (3,7) .r. wedding
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9A It's ruddy cold in war-torn Burundi (8)
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Please help me, i'm a beginner! 15A It could be end as EU banger, proceesed (8,5) Is the answer 'aberdeen angus'? Also can you help with 23A Meat and veg alternatively cooked in a sheikh's B&B (5,5)?...
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18D Educated lady impressed court with a bit of verse (6) ???T?L
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1D Welsh discern no change in upper class twit (8,6) I make the 2nd letter F if I have 6A correct! 6A In which a pilot waits to drop in at length perhaps (7,7) fighter tactics???
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20d T?A?? Card as found in part of golf course. 26a ?E???D Top? Ambitious teacher may want to. Help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
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5d Lots of films shown here, several times (9) 12a Aircrew fly with cormorant, ignoring tamer bird (7,4) C?R???????? Tried anagram of aircrew fly and c which makes clarify crew, but this doesn't fit!...
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last one now, still stuck on17a Give in to temptation (4,2,3,4) D.S.T.T.E.A.T
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17a Give in to temptation on line (4 2 3 4) D.S.T.T.E.A.. 7d Succeed in getting a woman to take it on (7) I.H... 13a Two records turned up bearing a purple emblem (5) .O.P.
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Still struggling! 4a Tendency to form factions in the civil service (8) I presume this word ends in 'icsm', I have the second letter as 'l', am i barking up the wrong tree?!!!
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Still ploughing through, I find the Saga Crosswords so difficult! Any help would be most appreciated. 13a Two records turned up bearing a purple emblem (5) 15d upset at entering wrong mark (5) ...I....
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Mae West's Club? (4-9)
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24A Pen's rare in deep pink (6)
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10A Shatters silence of element 34 S.L.N..

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