Please help. 14D Always on the outside, no mistake (9) E...N.L.. is the answer eternally? also stuck on 26A It's incidental on stage beside start of pop song (2-4) .Y...Y
Please help me, i'm a beginner! 15A It could be end as EU banger, proceesed (8,5) Is the answer 'aberdeen angus'? Also can you help with 23A Meat and veg alternatively cooked in a sheikh's B&B (5,5)?...
1D Welsh discern no change in upper class twit (8,6) I make the 2nd letter F if I have 6A correct! 6A In which a pilot waits to drop in at length perhaps (7,7) fighter tactics???
5d Lots of films shown here, several times (9) 12a Aircrew fly with cormorant, ignoring tamer bird (7,4) C?R???????? Tried anagram of aircrew fly and c which makes clarify crew, but this doesn't fit!...
17a Give in to temptation on line (4 2 3 4) D.S.T.T.E.A.. 7d Succeed in getting a woman to take it on (7) I.H... 13a Two records turned up bearing a purple emblem (5) .O.P.
Still struggling! 4a Tendency to form factions in the civil service (8) I presume this word ends in 'icsm', I have the second letter as 'l', am i barking up the wrong tree?!!!
Still ploughing through, I find the Saga Crosswords so difficult! Any help would be most appreciated. 13a Two records turned up bearing a purple emblem (5) 15d upset at entering wrong mark (5) ...I....