I want to buy a new DVD player. Can anyone recommend me one that plays all region DVDs ? sorry, i'm not very good with DVD technology! I'd just like one that plays all regions (including VCD and Mp3)...
Can anybody say which is the correct way to hang toilet paper? So the paper rolls over the roll or from under?? You will help out in a debate at work. And yes before you start we don't have anything...
some years ago i bought a type of cement which was made by mixing some gritty sand with two chemicals that reacted and, when added to the sand became a kind of cement. this when laid with a trowel...
I'm using a PC right now with XP Pro as the OS. I may buy in the future a new PC with Vista pre-installed (subject to good reviews!) In the past I've copied the contents of a small HDD to a larger...
Now I can see that the daughter might have been playing a practical joke, but I'd add that another daughter has stayed in the house for two months with her partner, and they swear that the room...
Am I dreaming or wasn't there once a formatting toolbar above the "what is your question?" box when posting on AB in IE. I want to put something in bold type, but the only reference I can now find on...
Hi, I have been asked to pay back my overdraft in 3 weeks - i can't, and neither can i afford the weekly amount they suggested coupled with the interest - and when i discussed this with the bank, i...
No-one seems to recommend the freezing of whole milk. Why is this? What happens to the milk after its frozen that's so detrimental? Can't the constituents be homogenised again simply by shaking the...