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Try all you want, you?ll never get a ?Colorado Mockingbird? to sing. Give us the name of this stubborn ?bird?.
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If you?re standing at the oche, throwing bombs at the black dog, what are you doing?
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You can win the whole thing with just one chip. Just be sure to wash your hands when you?re done. What?s the name of this competition and where is it held?
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If you?re looking down at a painted cowboy and a painted fishhook, straighten up and send us a photo of the gal you might see.
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Where are the size 328-D boots
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If you're looking down the Gunbarrel with your sights set on Big Valley or Wagon Train... what's the contraption that likely gave you a lift there?
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Jamie Lee
I the bellhop at this fourteen room Beaver State resort tells you to climb a tree, don't get insulted. It just means you've checked in. What's the name of this sky-high hideaway and where is it?
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Building a house with your own hands is one thing. Blasting one out of a bluff is another. This peculiar hole in the wall took a taxidermist over six years to complete. What and where is it?
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one disturbs the peace anouther keeps it, the third likes to take matters into its own hands . all three came from the same chrome horse corral. name all three and the corral.
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rob l
who walked across the eldorado canyon 86 times
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to protest an 1850 mining tax, a rough group of californians decided they were ready to do what
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Taking care of business finally took care of what cowboy legend?
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what 3 words were engraved on the top of the golden spike used to honor the completion of the union-pacific railroad?
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What is a "jar of lick"??
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One disturbs the peace and another keeps it. The third likes to take matters into its own hands. All three come from the same chrome horse corral. Name the corral and all three.
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Whats another name for a horse manicurist?
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I rode about 300 miles, through three rivers and seven lakes. What state was I in?
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One disturbs the peace and another keeps it. The third likes to tale matters into its own hands. All three come from the same chrome horse corral. Name the corral and all three.
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With what animal do you do the bucking?
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explain the game "tiger" please.

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