Let's put all the senior citizens in jail, and the criminals in a nursing home. This way the seniors would have access to showers, hobbies, and walks, they'd receive unlimited free prescriptions,...
1. Don’t imagine you can change a man – unless he’s in diapers. 2. What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door. 3. If we put a man on the moon – we should be...
Please 4D Nomadic Asian people, probably of Semetic ancestry, who conquered and ruled egypt between 1720 and 1560 BC; 'foreign rulers', formerly translated as 'shepherd kings' (6) H?K?O?. Thank you
Please 8D People person joins church routine (4,5) E?L? D?N?E. Could this be something DANCE
15 Ac Reeling around space in the shade (4,5) N?L? G?E?N. Could this be NILE or NILS GREEN. Thank you....
Mark as Best AnswerReport This(16:08 on Thu 29/Jul/10) Question Author I agree sandyRoe. angiep429 -How many bags have you got? I think I've got 20 + (I'm not admitting to anymore than that. Radley is...
Please. 18D Alloy of antimony, copper and tin (7) B?B?I?T. The only answer that seems feasible is BABBITT, but I can't find any confirmation of this. I've googled but had not success. Any help much...
Please 1 Ac Fight which can't be won. Clauses to correct somethng which is doomed (4,5) L?S? ??I?E 3 D South American shrub. Non-central bale repositioned by this exotic plant (10-4) ??N?O?B?L? TREE....
Please 14 D Said fortune-teller;s boring tool AUG?R Augur definition is portend a good or bad outcome. Auger definition A tool resembling a large corkscrew, for boring holes. I was favouring the Auger...
Please 13 Ac Return from the market (8) ?N???E?T 27 Ac Ring little Katharine who is satisfactory (4) O??? 21 D Roam about in Holland as usual (6) N?R???. Thank you.
I have been told that the word lady only appears in the bible six times. The only one I've been able to find is in 2nd letter of John Ch1 v1. can anyone tell me where the others are please. Thank you....